Snake Park (Three Point Park)
Highgate, London
Sept 2022
Memorial Mosaic was made for local community champion, Anita Broome, on park bench in shape of snake, and her portrait.
Restoration Project
A much loved park by the community for all ages recently had a facelift and the snakes were repainted bright colours with quirky features brought out.
Original mosaics over 20 years old were also restored back to their former glory by Debra with help from local volunteers.

Become healthier and calmer beings as we work together to create mosaic artwork for our community
Enjoy making as a fun way to meet each other reducing feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Bring disparate groups or teams together and give participants confidence with transferable skills to use in other art forms.
Enhance public and communal sites & place-setting to regenerate urban spaces and invite more people to be together