School Projects

I am experienced in running workshops with primary schools of all year group and have developed longer projects, as well as Arts Award Explore programs specifically in MOSAIC MAKING. I have a DBS Certificate and PLI Insurance and testimonials from previous schools.
an introduction to mosaics (traditional to contemporary)
materials and methods, examples of my/other artists artwork
10 -15 kids p/session (mosaic making or additional themed activitiy)
- predrawn motif based on children's drawings, logo or other design
- can be adapted for all ages including nursery, Key stage 1,2,3
- Special Needs mosaic activities
1 Day workshops linked to Curriculum including History, Science/Maths/Arts Award
Legacy project for final year group
Commemorate an event
School signage
Garden stepping stones
stimulate creativity
During the workshops the children are encouraged to use their imagination through making drawings and design motifs with different tools which improve sensory stimulation.
work together
Whilst completing the mosaic, the children learn to work collaboratively by supporting each other, sharing skills, materials and tools, and problem solving together.
enjoyable learning
Through active learning, children can appreciate history, mathematics, geometry, and understand the process of making handmade artworks. They also learn new skills and specific techniques in a relaxed and informal school environment.
confidence building
At the end of every workshop or project, children will feel the impact of having achieved something important together and gain a sense of pride and increased confidence.